Friday, November 12, 2010

A list of goodies...

Here are a few things that I L-O-V-E in no specific order:

*Tiny Puppies trying to go up or down stairs

*Peanut Butter

*Getting in bed after working all day (I am wondering if there is a better feeling in this world than that)

*Tiny Puppies trying to chase big puppies and just can't keep up

*Floppy dog ears and fluffy tails


*Newborn baby hands

*Getting something fun in the mail (Sometimes I just order something just for that experience)

*New music

*Bands that play in clubs/bars/small venues 

*The drive home from work

*Getting a call from a good friend

*Sarcasm (Even though sometimes I am no good at it)

*Kids telling knock knock jokes

*Kids who pronounce words wrong

*Hearing my nephew ask my sister about the ~Birds and the bees~  :)

*My nephew asking afterwards if my new puppy is pregnant because he has the fattest little puppy belly

*The Fall.....the best season ever

*My sweet grandpa

*Waking up everyday next to the person you love

*Driving around talking with him

*Beautiful songs that give you goosebumps

*Harry Potter

*Harry Potter 7 Movie trailer (and I will let you in on a little secret, I get goosebumps and almost cry everytime I watch it.  I am such a complete nerd.  I can't help myself but I love the HP!!!!  Only a week until I get to see the movie and yes we are having a HP themed party with HP inspired food, watching the 6th movie and making wands then heading to the 7th movie.  I knew you were wondering!  :)

Happy weekend bloggers!